Hi, I’m Carol McQuaid, aka The Illustrated Vagabond. I love to travel the world sketching, painting and teaching art workshops. I hope my artwork reminds you of your last great adventure, or inspires you to start planning your next one. We are just preparing our book launch for “The Illustrated Vagabond’s World Voyage Sketchbook!” It’s 150+ pages of full colour illustrations that chronicle our recent trip around the world! I was the guest artist, teaching and creating art on a cruise ship for their World Voyage. The book, art prints and cards from that adventure will be available in our soon to launch online shop.

I’ll let you know when the shop is open, and share updates on shows, workshops, new trips, artwork, books and events. All you need to do is sign up below for updates. Thanks for joining me on my adventures!

Penticton Farmer’s Market
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Penticton Farmer’s Market

Penticton’s Farmer’s Market. Checking out restaurants, shops and art galleries. And of course travel sketching. This one done watercolour style in Procreate on my iPad.

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Apex Mornings
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Apex Mornings

The view from our place at Apex. Over the years I’ve painted it, drawn it, carved it in Lino and printed it. My nest.

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Linocut Workshops at Sea!
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Linocut Workshops at Sea!

Big news about my upcoming art classes at sea… not just watercolour anymore; now we get to do linocut printmaking too! More about it here.

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Sketchy in Seattle
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Sketchy in Seattle

Sketching with Procreate at Dr Sketchy’s Anti Art School at the Jewelbox Theatre in Seattle.

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My Beautiful Mom
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

My Beautiful Mom

My Beautiful Mom, loving having this time to spend with her. Portrait sketch with Procreate

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Snow Boots
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Snow Boots

Snow in September, nothing I can’t handle with these snow boots. Sketch in Procreate.

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Meet Ford Gamble
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Meet Ford Gamble

Meet Ford Gamble. He’s a Ford, and he’s a Gamble when it comes to starting. Sketch in Procreate.

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A Fog Lifter Morning
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

A Fog Lifter Morning

Cool little coffee spot to sip and sketch around the corner. Urban sketching with Procreate.

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