My Beautiful Mom


This lady. She's 95. She is a force. Her mental capacity has not diminished one iota. I have to bring out my A game to beat her at Rummycube. This trip I think we're running 50/50 on the scoreboard.

She was always a beauty. Still is. But she didn't get the vanity that usually accompanies it. She's down to earth, wise and practical. She worked my whole life, and kept a busy household together. My dad was always fun and exciting, emotional and prone to grand gestures, but it was my mom who kept that boat floating. She's my hero.

A year or so ago she contracted Covid. We thought 'oh no, here we go', but she bounced back faster than most 40 year olds. Then she had a fall and broke her hip. Again we thought this is the moment she starts to decline. But no. I was visiting her shortly after her fall. I thought I was there to take care of her. I was sitting at her kitchen table when I heard a deep rhythmic breathing. I turned around to see her hanging onto the kitchen counter... doing squats! Mom! The doctor told me to keep moving she says. Fair enough. Her mobility has decreased since then. She uses a walker now to get around, but she still insists on doing her own laundry, teaming up at the sink together to do up the dishes after every meal. The best part is she's still fun and funny. No old lady stuff. I talk to her about everything and she is a wealth of wisdom and practical advice. I can only dream that I'll age like she is. Her own mom lived to 102, and was fairly healthy right up until the end. Thanks ladies for taking the fear out of aging.

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Boots Off at the Door, Cowboys!


Around the World in 25 Novels