18-24 Months, a Fun Shopportunity


When you first have a baby everybody loads you up with the cutest little onesies and an assortment adorable baby clothes for all occasions. Round about the 18 month mark none of it fits anymore and it’s time to re-up on your own.  That’s a good time to have grandparents nearby, and Harri has a good collection of those. She’s lived the bulk of her life in the sun sporting little sundresses and short sets.  Autumn in Vancouver can be a soggy beast, plus we’re planning to head up the ski hill for December. Time for some 18-24 months boots, sweaters and puffy coats. I love a good shopportunity.  Between the kids and I we got her a whole new  ensemble. This is just a portion. I couldn’t stop myself, everything is so cute and cozy!

This whole grandma business really is the best. It’s going to be hard with so much travel this coming year, but that’s what video calling is for.  I’ll pick up a few treasures for her along the way, but the real spoiling will just have to wait for the BC pit stop-suitcase swaps we have planned throughout the year.

Here’s a quick timelapse of this drawing. It’s not everythig we bought; it’s just everything that fit on the page ;-).

Thanks so much for reading, and don’t forget to sign up for updates to follow along on the adventure!


Linocut Workshops at Sea!


Pike Place Market