A Vancouver Landing


Do you love a good reinvention story? Exactly two weeks ago, with less than 24 hours notice, I packed the max allowance for an international flight and left my man, home and country. Don’t worry about him, he reappears shortly. I’ll leave the reasons for my sudden departure out for the moment, but suffice it to say that my head was in a whirl on that plane. Turns out I was a pound or two over 50 on each suitcase, and my collection of bulging carry on items was questionable, but the check-in agent gave me a wink, stuck my baggage claim stickers on my boarding pass and let me slip though. To stay calm on the plane I took out my iPad. I’d downloaded a course on How to Paint Watercolours in Procreate and busied myself with my next lesson. Here’s the sketch I did of my sweet Granddaughter from that first leg.

The course I’m doing is on udemy. It’s good. Here’s a link to it. I’ve always done Watercolour travel Sketchbooks, but the idea of not needing to carry materials, water, wee spray bottles etc with me is super appealing. So far I’m liking it. We’ll see if I switch back. One way or another this story is going to include some old school Watercolour painting. What it won’t include is anything AI, the writing or the artwork.

Quick plane change in Denver. Because I’m neither flying from or to the US, I have to haul all of that luggage out, clear customs and get back in the security line. It feels a bit surreal, unexpectedly finding myself in this city I had no reason to think I’d be. I don’t know a soul in Colorado. The hall is massive, the long line folding over and over on itself. I start to daydream. Wouldn’t it be funny to run into someone I know? I’m rifling through my mind. Who would it be? A college buddy, a friend of one of our kids? Someone I’ve met through one of my brothers over the years? Maybe an elementary classmate; would they even recognize me?

In my reverie I look up, straight into the eyes of my dear friend’s daughter. Steph!? I thought that was you! she cries back. Omg! We hug quickly as the line draws us apart again. Holy smokes, did that really just happen? She lives in the Caribbean, doesn’t she? That has nothing to do with where I’m coming from or where either of us are going. The line pulls us apart and then gradually back together. Where are you going? Where are you coming from? How are you? Each time the line folds us back upon each other we manage a micro update. The man beside her is beaming as we excitedly catch snips of info. After about three passes I ask is this your new husband? In my mind I try to recall the wedding photos. No! She exclaims. He’s just some random guy from the lineup who’s now very invested in this story! He beams and nods. I marvel at this universe and after about ten passes we’re both swept through the scanning process and off in our very different directions.

This story, if you stick with me, is going to take us to over 40 countries and 80 plus destinations over the next year and a bit, but first we have a few pit stops and some prep to do over the next couple of months. I hope you’ll join me. Next stop? The Okanagan.

Thanks so much for reading, and don’t forget to sign up for updates to follow along on the adventure!


A Fog Lifter Morning