Hi, I’m Carol McQuaid, aka The Illustrated Vagabond. I love to travel the world sketching, painting and teaching art workshops. I hope my artwork reminds you of your last great adventure, or inspires you to start planning your next one. We are just preparing our book launch for “The Illustrated Vagabond’s World Voyage Sketchbook!” It’s 150+ pages of full colour illustrations that chronicle our recent trip around the world! I was the guest artist, teaching and creating art on a cruise ship for their World Voyage. The book, art prints and cards from that adventure will be available in our soon to launch online shop.

I’ll let you know when the shop is open, and share updates on shows, workshops, new trips, artwork, books and events. All you need to do is sign up below for updates. Thanks for joining me on my adventures!

The Tasman Crossing
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

The Tasman Crossing

We are in six meter seas at the moment. Not six feet, six meters. I’ll do the math for you; that’s 20 feet from top to trough on these big rollers. And they don’t just roll. They shift and bang and spin too. Someone came in yesterday and covered our window with a storm shutter. So now our deck 4 stateroom has become an inside cabin set atop a 20 foot roller coaster where it will ride for about 36 hours before it can get off.

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Bounty Bay, Pitcairn Island
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Bounty Bay, Pitcairn Island

Next stop on our Azamara Onward World Voyage -Visiting Bounty Bay, Pitcairn Island. It is still inhabited by the descendants of the original mutineers of the Bounty! We toured Adamstown, saw Christian Cave, visited the museum and took pics with the original anchor of the Bounty. Current read: Mutiny on the Bounty by John Boyne

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Easter Island, or Rapa Nui
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Easter Island, or Rapa Nui

Next stop on our Azamara Onward World Cruise - Easter island, or Rapa Nui, to see the Moai statues! We rented scooters, visited Anakena Beach, did a tour of the volcanic crater at Rano Raraku, Tongariki, Anakena Beach and Ahu Nau Nau.

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The Panama Canal and City Tour
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

The Panama Canal and City Tour

Next stop on our Azamara Onward World Cruise - The Panama Canal! We transit, visit the Miraflores Locks, tour the city by night and again in the day. Fascinating experience all around!

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Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Next stop on our Azamara Onward World Cruise - Puerto Limon Costa Rica. We toured Puerto Viejo, Coco Beach and Cahuita National Park Rainforest.

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My Guitars, and a Story About Kevin Bacon
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

My Guitars, and a Story About Kevin Bacon

Each guitar is its own story. The Martin Backpacker here prompted a celebrity encounter. If you know me you just got way better at that Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game.

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A Little Ink
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

A Little Ink

My tattoo. It took a long time for me to stop drawing it on myself with a pen and actually go get it done. I’m glad I did. It means a lot to me. .

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It’s Snowtime!
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

It’s Snowtime!

Snow on the rooftops here at Apex Mountain! We’ll all be skiing and boarding soon. Bring it on I say! Sketch of our view done in Procreate.

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So Long Sunshine Coast
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

So Long Sunshine Coast

So long Sunshine Coast! Heading back to the mainland for a gathering of my 13’ girlfriends. Those of you who know me know what that means. I hope the rest of you are having fun wondering.

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Morning Angel
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Morning Angel

A few more sketchbook pages from my trip to the Sunshine Coast. Ocean Club Cafe, Sechelt Inlet and the Morning Angel that beckons us from the patio every day here in Porpoise Bay. All sketches done in Procreate.

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Singing Along With Elmo
Carol McQuaid Carol McQuaid

Singing Along With Elmo

Singing along with Elmo. She’s watching him sing Elmo’s Song on repeat as Lamb-ma Betty and I keep an eye on her. So fun.

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