Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Azamara World Voyage 2024

Costa Rica

The first thing I noticed about Costa Rica was that wet, earthy smell. I loved it. I’m sure it was full of magical oxygen molecules and all kinds of healing terpenes that I have no idea exist. You can tell from the coast that there’s a rainforest not too far away. The air just feels rich. We took a bus to Cahuita National Park and did a guided tour of the rainforest. The paths are raised to keep us up off the forest floor, protecting it, and protecting us from the hundreds of species of spiders, snakes and plants with built in defence systems. We encountered sloths, monkeys; both howler and capuchin, myriad trees and plants, some very cool spiders who spin webs literally tougher than kevlar. Scientists at NASA are trying to replicate it for all kinds of purposes. Our guide Humberto was a font of fabulous info, not just about the park and wildlife. He was a journalist and filled us in on the whole history and socio-economic situation in Costa Rica. They have no army, and have funnelled all of the dollars that would have gone there into education. For a developing country they have an incredibly high literacy rate, an educated population, lots of arts, science and culture, and a substantial social net. The housing we saw all looked very simple, much of it raised up a few feet from ground level because of all the flooding that happens in rainy season; even their graves are above ground for the same reason. But we didn’t see overt signs of poverty. Just a laid back ecotourism vibe everywhere. Lots of motor bikes and millennial travellers too.

Coco Beach in Puerto Viejo

We carried on to Puerto Viejo and hung at Coco Beach for a bit. I found a cute hat, made locally, in a sweet little shop called Araza Boutique just off the beach. Everything has an organic local vibe in this town. It hasn’t been invaded by the Starbucks of the world yet. I’d say it’s much more Caribbean feeling than I expected. It’s got a Jamaican influence for sure. At least on the Atlantic side. Lots of ganja patterned gear, weed pipes and brightly knit hats, that kind of thing in the little kiosks around the square. 

The drive back along the coast was gorgeous, and when we got to Puerto Limon there was a sweet reggae band playing us away as we boarded the ship.

Back. on board I prepared a class on painting beaches and palm trees in watercolour. The room they gave me to teach in is ideal, with lots of seating and great big windows for transferring images. Turn out was great and they all did so well! I did the palm tree class, and then ran them through my favourite exploration of colour theory and mixing. We’re laying the foundation for a good painting experience as we start this journey.

Next stop: Panama!

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