Azamara World Voyage Begins! Florida to Cozumel

Jan 13

We are one week into this around the world adventure. So far I’ve taught 3 watercolour classes, spent a day in Cozumel Mexico, one in Puerto Limon Costa Rica, transited the Panama Canal and toured Panama City both by night and by day. I’ve finished two digital sketchbook pages; both beach scenes, planned one two-plate linocut, tested my printmaking ink for layer-ability and almost finished a watercolour painting with my students That’ll happen in class today. I’ve made it to the gym exactly once, and made it to the dessert table about 12 times. Greg and I are enjoying each other’s company and making some fun and interesting friends. I’m sleeping like a baby and am in love with this ship and everything and everyone on her. So far so good,


Lots of people hurried off to Tulum and the cenotes, but we’ve already spent a fair amount of time in this part of the world, so we felt good about just sticking around and exploring the island. We rented a scooter and did the ring road, which takes about 2 hours of solid drive time. We stopped at Chen Rio Beach on the East Coast. We weren’t planning to, but I saw a bunch of bodies bobbing chest deep in the water and tapped Greg on the shoulder to pull over. It’s a gorgeous beach, not too crowded but a good vibe, with a bar if you need a cold drink or two. We waded in to cool down and got some good painting photos and video footage. We explored the crocodile habitat across the street but alas, no one home, so we carried on. We went into town, drove up and down all the little side streets and explored the historic centre. Cozumel is full of dive shops, which was kind of fun to see, since the book I just read is set in one here. Nora Roberts “Risky Business”. Not really recommending.  I read it because it was set in Cozumel, but it was a little bodice-ripping for me. One of those “hero man saves woman who doesn’t need saving” classics. There are actual scenes where she’s saying no and he’s reading yes, and the writer makes out like that’s just hot and romantic. Nora Roberts, I know you’re popular, but that’ll be my one and only book by you. However, if you love that stuff and you’re planning a trip to Cozumel, here’s a link:

Risky Business - Nora Roberts

But back to our adventure. When we first stepped off the ship there was an army of vendors looking to make our Cozumel dreams come true. A scooter rental there was $70 USD. I hopped on Google maps and called a rental place in town. $25 for the day. I’m no mathemagician, but that sounded like a much better deal. If you’re there and wanting to do the same, it was Davis rentals that we called, and a taxi there and back was $10 each way. It meant we were deposited in a very cool and explorable part of town too, so that was fun. The bike was great, staff was super helpful, and we had a great time.

Here’s my sketch from Chen Rio Beach

Back on the ship I mapped out this two plate linocut print on Procreate. I’m not sure if the inks I brought will do this, but I’ll have fun trying. 

So we’re off to a fine start. We’ve settled into our cabin. I’ve decanted my wardrobe, art supplies, guitar and extensive hat and earring collection into all the appropriate nooks, hooks and cubbies. We’ve got port and starboard, forward and aft sorted and most of the time turn the right way when we step off the elevators. We’ve met so many lovely people onboard; crew members and fellow passengers included, found our spots for sunning, reading, afternoon crib and Yahtzee games and pre-dinner drinks. We are happy here in Azamara-land. I love knowing I can go to bed each night in the same place and in the morning another fabulous port will have pulled up. We’re home, at least for the next 4 months.

Thanks so much for reading. Stay tuned and if you enjoy this kind of content don’t forget to sign up for updates.


Puerto Limon, Costa Rica


Travel Fiction Read Before You Go: French Polynesia