Travel Fiction Read Before You Go: French Polynesia

“I Am Not Your Eve” by Devika Ponnambalam


I just finished reading "I Am Not Your Eve" by Devika Ponnambalam. It explores the life of Teha'Amana, the 13 (if that) year old muse and child bride of painter Paul Gauguin during his stay in Tahiti. I chose it as part of my 25 Novels Around the World trip reading list. We have a bunch of stops in French Polynesia, so this was my pick for the region. It's good, if uncomfortable. I felt a little creepy drawing this young girl through the eyes of Gauguin, who purported to despise colonialism and oppression, but here he is arriving in a community and taking a child as his 'half-wife'. The book takes on some interesting voices; contrasting Teha'Amana's perspective against imagined diary excerpts from Gauguin's daughter, also 13, back in France. These are woven with traditional Tahitian origin legends, mostly violent, and the thoughts and reflections of the paintings themselves. It's a curious mix, and not an easy read, but good.

If you’re heading to French Polynesia this book would definitely add another dimension to your experience. Also great for anyone who is interested in the thought process behind painting and art and artists in general.

For a timelapse of this sketch head to my instagram here.

If you want to scoot straight to the order page for this book here’s a link:

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