So Long Sunshine Coast


Making good use of my time in the ferry lineup here in Langdale. My iPad is slung over the steering wheel as I draw the scene before me. Actually makes a pretty good easel! And that’s one of the things I love about working digitally; if you have your iPad and your pencil you always have all of your tools at hand. No more giant art bags, paints that leak and fold-y easel parts that jab and jangle.

I had such a great time on this trip. Thanks again Sheree Jones for the invite. Sheree is a great plein air painter and oil painting instructor. If you’re looking for that kind of thing check out her website here. She’s even more amazing as a painting buddy, hostess, chef, and friend. Loved having this time with her.

As we were wandering through Sechelt I saw the artwork of another artist friend, Jan Poynter, and we planned to meet for coffee on my way out of town. She lives right by the Langdale Ferry, so I got to go visit her, see her amazing studio, her latest work, and hear about her latest projects.

There’s something special about artist friendships. It’s never a competition. Only you can do your work, so my experience is that we’re all rooting for each other; taking inspiration and sharing info and tips, genuinely excited for each other and what we have going on.

I went straight from the ferry to another gathering of women artists. I’m part of a thing called 13 Feet Off The Ground. It’s a collective of Canadian artists, all women but not specifically by design. We connected over a mural project we all did in Sicily in 2017 and have stayed close; supporting each other, sharing projects at times, but mostly just cheering each other on through life, art-wise and other. I love these ladies.

I feel so enriched by these friendships. Thanks all of you. You know who you are.

Thanks so much for reading, and don’t forget to sign up for updates to follow along on the adventure!


It’s Snowtime!


Morning Angel