Summer in Beautiful BC

July 16 I’ve been home for just over a month now. Yes, the trip was amazing, but i’m really enjoying a good old BC Summer. I did this sketch on location at Nighthawk Vineyards in Oliver.

I’ve been popping back and forth from Vancouver to our Mountaintop at Apex, doing a little sketching, but mostly I’ve been working on getting my online shop set up. I”m almost there! Books, cards and prints are being printed, shipping materials are getting purchased, links are getting checked. It should be live ahead of my promised launch date of August 1st.

It’s been a lot of work, but I’ve loved it. And I have taken time to reconnect with friends and family, float the channel, and paint lavender fields (see below). Life is good.

Keep an eye out here for the launch of our shop. Meanwhile, let’s all get out there and enjoy the summer!

This sketch of the Tuscan Farm Gardens in Abbotsford was done on my iPad using Procreate.


My Illustrated Packing LIst


Barcelona and the Dismount