Barcelona and the Dismount

June 9 -12. We’re now in a gorgeous airbnb in the heart of Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter. We had all kinds of plans, but we let them get washed away by a soft rain. We’ve been non-stop people-ing for 155 days. Time to loaf and lounge, occasionally pull on sweats and forage for tapas in the little bars on the cobblestone streets below our window.

This trip has been amazing start to finish. We have a few days here to catch our breath before we fly home to British Columbia. I know what’s coming. We’ll make the rounds, catching up with family and friends. They’ll all ask the usual trip questions: “What was your favourite place, if you could pick only one?” and “How did you survive staying on a ship for so long?”

I can’t imagine choosing one place, one experience above all the others. Making landfall on Pitcairn Island, listening to The Magic Flute’s Queen of the Night Aria being sung in the Sydney Opera House, snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef,watching a monkey run alongside us as we drift the backwaters of Kerala in a houseboat, none of these moments deserve to get second billing. And as for living in a stateroom on a cruise ship for that long, there was not a single moment when I was wishing for it to end. In fact I wasn’t ready to get off until the moment we did. But now that we have, I can’t wait to get home. There are a lot of people I can’t wait to hold in my arms, smooch, and try to share these experiences with. Glad I’ve got all these sketches to help me tell the story.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this recap of our journey. If you did, stay tuned. We have three more adventures coming up in completely different parts of the world. See you there.

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Summer in Beautiful BC


Trip Fiction: Adriatic and Med Getaways