Trip Fiction: Ancient Trade Routes


If you’re anything like me, reading a book in a place you’re traveling to brings it to life in a whole new way. I made a reading list of 25 Novels Around the World to accompany my trip around the world onboard the Azamara Onward. The trip was broken up in to 10 segments. This one covered Singapore to Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Oman and Dubai. There are so many books I’d like to read from this part of the world, but I kind of hit burn out at this point and just had to catch my breath. Here’s what I tried to read, and the books from my past I found myself thinking about as we travelled through India.

Check out the posts from the other segments for some good travel fiction recommendations. I think I was about 15 books in on our trip at this point, and we still had 2 months to go!

Come My Beloved by Pearl S Buck Gorgeous writing, but long. I didn’t get through it on this trip but I’ll enjoy finishing it at my leisure. It’s one of those multi-generational stories the require an empty agenda, something I’m aiming for at some point this year.

The White Tiger by Aravind Ardiga This was so gripping! Lots of drama, great characters, plot driven but also a good exploration of character and consequence

Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie This is the portrait of India I think I was looking for. A fabulous tale about a country and a boy born at the exact moment India gains its independence.

If you have suggestions for this part of the world pop them in the comments below.

Thanks so much for reading, and don’t forget to sign up for updates to follow along on the adventure!


Trip Fiction: Astounding Australia Asia


ancient trade Routes